Problems Faced by Tourists in Nepal
Situated in the lap of Himalayas, Nepal is one of the most beautiful place in the world. The scenic beauty is astonishing as Nepal has many beautiful scenery to enjoy. But as a country Nepal government has very less to give to foreign tourist as facility. Foreign tourist has to face a lot of problems in Nepal. In this session I have noted down some of the problems foreign tourist might face: Mostly these problems are being faced on a highway trip. 1.Bad culture of local people. 2.Lack of clean pubic toilet. 3.Problems with sanitation 4.Even Bottled mineral waters are polluted. 5.Bad conditions of Roads and Bridge. 6.Most of the local people are money minded. 7.Corrupt Police officer. 8. Highway blockage due to flood and landslide 9.Lack of standard motel. 10.Dangerous airports. 11.Lack of airports and even roads in beautiful destination. 12.Worst airport staff. 13.High fare taxis as per their condition. 14.Unplanned Traffic situation. 15.No facility of online transpor